A music festival where you feel at home
Our approach
Who are the festival-goers?
At the beginning of this project, we start with the festival-goers’ needs.
Based on previous editions, we conduct a behavioral study of the festival-goers to understand their practices, their specificities and their affinities. We create personas and an experience map to reflect on the different stages of the journey, the actions accomplished, the expectations and frustrations.
How to organize the space in order to meet their needs?
From the different stages of the festival-goers experience, to the festival areas, the journey is transpose to the physical space.
Several co-design workshops are conducted to rethink the site’s layout, with discussions on the festival’s values, work on the main experience themes and time for the creation of innovative features.
With the festival team, we set up a layout of the space centered on the various festival-goers’ journeys, taking into account the technical and financial requirements.
What about the feedbacks on this approach in the field?
An innovative study in terms of lived experience could not be conducted without a prototyping and evaluation phase in the field.
And so, we seized the opportunity provided by the festival’s 2018 edition to test some of the ideas that have emerged, to observe and interact with the festival-goers on site.
3 days on the field during a heat wave, roaming the festival to meet the people who make it possible.